Sunday, January 31, 2016

Exploration comparison

This week, I would like to use space exploration in comparison to the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus. I was writing an assignment on space rockets for my Business class and this idea came to my mind.

We have been sending astronauts to space since the 1960s. The reason for that is to explore the unknowns in space, study it and see if there are resources out there to be obtained, maybe even colonize. Currently, the earth’s population is at 7 billion people and it is only going to keep increasing. We have explored the entire planet and that led me to think of the overpopulation in Europe during the colonial period where there is no more room to grow. At the time, people thought that the earth was square and if they sail far enough, they would fall off the edge of the world. Columbus proved it wrong with the discovery of the New World. His discovery was the same as when we learned of the planets in our solar system, from Mercury to Pluto.

We are still at the infancy of our space exploration just like Columbus just landed in the New World. We have managed to put humans on the moon and started sending robots to probe Mars because it has conditions that seem right for liquid water, or even life. It took about 200 years since Columbus’ discovery before the Colonial period began. Space is the final frontier for us just as the New World was the final frontier on Earth.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

During every election year, immigration and immigration reforms have always been an issue raised by politicians running for office. Legal and illegal immigration issues will affect immigrants in United States, especially the Hispanic community. They are the largest immigrant group.

There is no doubt that the Hispanic migration to the United States contributed to the economic growth of this country. They provided labor to sectors of the economy, such as plantation workers or housekeeping in hotels, that majority of Americans are unwilling to do. Of course there are also Hispanic intellectuals at all levels of society living the American Dream. Hispanics also serve in government institutions from Federal, State to local levels. While there are other ethnic groups that have come to America, Hispanics are the dominant group that can make significant changes to shifting population dynamics of this country.

Hispanics play an important role in United States. Their votes matter to politicians, their income and taxes helps local economies and they bring their culture to the diversity of the American life.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

SF's shifting demographic

I am not surprised to hear that San Francisco is trending towards a majority Caucasian population. Increasing cost of living in the city has driven a lot of lower paid people, who otherwise love the city, away from it. With highly paid employees of Silicon Valley companies encroaching into the city, it makes the already expensive housing market even more unaffordable to a lot of people.

Even with this shifting demographic in San Francisco, other ethnic groups such as Asians will still be a significant portion of the population there. However, many of these ethnic groups have already migrated south of the city. If you go to Daly City, you will find that Asians are the majority there. Go further south to San Mateo and you will find a majority of Hispanic population there.

I personally try to avoid going to San Francisco for the fact that parking is a constant issue there. It is overpopulated with no adequate parking. That would be my push factor from living there.

I am not surprised to hear that San Francisco is trending towards a majority Caucasian population. Increasing cost of living in the city has driven a lot of lower paid people, who otherwise love the city, away from it. With highly paid employees of Silicon Valley companies encroaching into the city, it makes the already expensive housing market even more unaffordable to a lot of people.

Even with this shifting demographic in San Francisco, other ethnic groups such as Asians will still be a significant portion of the population there. However, many of these ethnic groups have already migrated south of the city. If you go to Daly City, you will find that Asians are the majority there. Go further south to San Mateo and you will find a majority of Hispanic population there.

I personally try to avoid going to San Francisco for the fact that parking is a constant issue there. It is overpopulated with no adequate parking. That would be my push factor from living there.