Monday, February 29, 2016

Show of solidarity

Japanese-Americans came out with Arab-Americans calling for peace and tolerance in Japantown. With terrorists attacks around the world making the news in recent months, the incidents of racially-motivated attacks on Arabs living in United States have increased all over the country. If California have incidents of such attacks, imagine the number of incidents in Middle America. I used to live in the south and southeastern part of the country and I know people who live there are not as liberal as Californians.

This show of solidarity by Japanese-Americans in support of Muslims and Arab-Americans in this country shows that they have not forgotten the internment camps they had to face in World War 2. There are survivors from the camps who were present to voice their opposition to the prejudice that Arab-Americans endured. After all, the Japanese-American survivors experienced the same thing that Arab-Americans are going through right now.

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